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Tables showing the Programme and Budget 201415 (balanced) and the Programme and Budget 201618 (showing funding shortfall), in appendix to this document, are provided by the Bureau of Meteorology as the manager of those funds Review of the Performance of the Perth Regional Programme Office in support of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO during 2008 to 2011 The following is a direct extract from the Perth Regional Programme Office 20082011 performance review report. Executive Summary The Perth Regional Programme Office in support of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO was reviewed by a five-member Review Panel in August 2011. The Office was established in 1998 under the joint Sponsorship of the Government of the State of Western Australia, the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia (through the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. It serves as a regional focus for promotion, facilitation and/or coordination of IOC programmes, especially the Western Australian, Indian Ocean, SW Pacific and South East Asian components of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), and for collaboration with, and support for, the wide range of stakeholder beneficiaries from improved information on the oceans. Its goal, objectives and modus operandi are set down in a detailed five-year (200813) tripartite Cooperation Agreement put in place in October 2008 following the Offices third regular review carried out in November 2007. The Office is headed by an Officer in Charge, Mr Nick DAdamo, who reports to the Executive Secretary of the IOC in Paris and liaises closely with the Western Australian Government, BoM and the wide range of marine agencies and stakeholders in the region. The Office is hosted in the Western Australian Regional Office of BoM, which provides full administrative support. The Western Australian Government has provided funding of $AUD400,000 p.a., covering the operational activities of the Office and partial salary support for the Officer in Charge. The IOC has provided funding of $US80,000 pa for operational activities and associated administrative support. The Review Panel for the 2011 Review consisted of nominees of the three sponsoring organisations, the Chair of the Ocean Policy Science Advisory Group (OPSAG) and an independent Chair. The Panel was provided with extensive documentation, including the Offices Annual Reports since 2008 and a recent consultant (ACIL Tasman) evaluation of the activities and impacts of the Office. The Panel met in Perth on 29 August 2011 and was provided with a comprehensive briefing on the activities of the Office, a presentation from the author of the ACIL Tasman report and a briefing from the Head of the co-located UNESCO Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group (ICG) for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS) which is financially supported ($AUD430,000 p.a.) by the Australian Government through BoM. The Panel had the opportunity for extensive discussions with Mr DAdamo and the recently appointed half-time Programme Manager, Ms Sarah Grimes. It also met in camera to consider its conclusions and recommendations to the Sponsors. The Review Panel was very impressed with the achievements of the Office and the work of the Officer in Charge over the past three years and highly supportive of his proposed priorities and plans for 201418. The Panel concluded, in summary, that: The UNESCO IOC Perth Regional Programme Office and its Officer in Charge have done an excellent job over the three years 200811 and are well on the way to achieving the five-year expectations of the Sponsors as set down in the 2008 Cooperation Agreement; The Office has undertaken a wide range of highly value-adding activities in support of the eight objectives set down in the Cooperation Agreement and has performed extremely well against all agreed performance indicators; The Office is delivering substantial benefits for all three Sponsors and its wide range of stakeholder governments, agencies and communities in the Indian Ocean, Pacific and South East Asia regions; The Office is playing a unique niche role of facilitation, linking and coordination amongst the diverse array of governmental and non-governmental ocean science agencies and user communities, with particular relevance to Western Australian government programmes and priorities in marine and related climate science; and There are several important issues and opportunities that should be addressed by the Sponsors in order to further strengthen the role and effectiveness of the Office in both the short and longer term. The most important issues and opportunities identified by the Review, which the Panel commended for consideration by the Sponsors included: The difficulties caused by the ambiguous employment situation of the OIC as a contractor supported by both IOC and Australian funding; The opportunities for increased institutional synergies in administration and related efficiencies between the Office and the Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS) and, in this regard, for increased awareness amongst the Western Australian and Australian community of the presence, stature and role of the Secretariat ICG/IOTWS in Perth; The opportunities for increased mutual support between the informal promotion/facilitation/communication role of the Perth Office and the formal intergovernmental coordination role of the Bangkok Secretariat of WESTPAC and other IOC Sub-Commission Secretariats; The potential benefits from increased linkages with the rapidly expanding range of ocean-related industries and activities in Western Australia and more broadly in the region; and The importance of prioritisation amongst the vast array of opportunities for new initiatives on the Western Australian, Australian and broader regional marine science scene. In the light of its review and its consideration of these and other issues bearing on the past performance and future development of the Office, the Review Panel recommended that: 1. The Office should be continued for a further five years 201418 under an updated Cooperation Agreement; 2. The Sponsors should consider integration and consolidation of the administration of the two IOC Offices in Perth in the short term and explore the advantages and disadvantages of a more formalised IOC-UNESCO Office in Perth in the longer term; 3. The Officer in Charge position should be regularised, as a matter of urgency, to clarify its status in the UNESCO system and ensure increased administrative efficiency for the consolidated Perth Office; 4. The Sponsors should work with the Officer in Charge to institute a more streamlined annual progress reporting and forward planning system to reduce duplication and ensure strong Sponsor ownership of the Offices priorities and plans; 5. The strategic priorities proposed by the Officer in Charge for the 201418 period should be refined, focused and endorsed within an overall policy of moving towards greater emphasis on user benefits from ocean observations and research; 6. To adequately support the Offices current portfolio of activities, the combined Sponsors support for the Office should be increased by $AUD200,000 p.a. in cash and kind (with respect to current levels) to enable, inter alia, the appointment of a full-time Programme Manager, a commensurate increase in operational budget and administrative and other strengthening of the Offices activities (in addition to the $AUD430,000 p.a. already provided by BoM for operation of the Secretariat ICG/IOTWS) as an immediate priority; 7. To adequately support the proposed expanded portfolio (20142018), the combined Sponsors support for the Office should be increased by $AUD450,000 p.a. in cash and kind (with respect to current levels) to enable, inter alia, the appointment of an expanded human resources complement, a commensurate increase in operational budget and administrative and other strengthening of the Offices activities; and 8. The Sponsors should incorporate their decisions on continuation and strengthening of the Office into a new and more succinct Cooperation Agreement 201418 including a more concise statement of the goal, role, objectives, strategies and priorities of the Office. Draft Terms of Reference for the PRPO 20142018 The PRPO will coordinate, facilitate, develop and implement programmes and initiatives across the full range of the IOCs mission, focussing on Indian Ocean/Australian/SW Pacific regions and the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) for ocean observations, related services, and complementary ocean sciences, capacity building and marine/coastal hazards. In particular the PRPO operates in accordance with the following terms of reference: Develop, facilitate and manage links and cooperative activities among IOC regional/international activities and relevant Western Australian State Government and Australian Commonwealth Government agencies, programmes and industry. Develop regional and globally cooperative working partnerships with IOC stakeholders, including the regional research community and provincial and national oceanic and climate related agencies and organisations, in particular to provide support for applied research and operations. Facilitate and support the GOOS Regional Alliances and associated supporting secretariats and networks under the Offices purview (Indian Ocean GOOS, Pacific Islands GOOS and Western Australian GOOS), and facilitate and support related Capacity Building initiatives. Develop and manage collaborative strategic and operational alliances with regional ocean observing systems, policy networks, programmes and initiatives that are geographically and thematically complementary to the GOOS Regional Alliances under the Offices purview, as well as with relevant UNESCO and IOC entities, including UNESCO Regional offices, IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies and Decentralised Project/Programme/Regional Offices. Develop and manage proposals to enhance the resource base in support of the Offices mission. Organise conferences, workshops and other capacity building and communication/ awareness raising activities relevant to the overall mission of the Office. Schedule 1 to draft Agreement (modified) SCHEDULE 1 PROJECT Item 1 Background to PRPO The PRPO was established in 1998 by a tripartite sponsorship among the three Parties. Its programs and projects are designed to service the balanced objectives of its three Parties. It is co-located with the Secretariat of the IOCs Intergovernmental Coordination Group (ICG) for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS), which was established after the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami. Item 2 Goal of PRPO The goal of the PRPO is to achieve an improved characterisation, observation and prediction of oceanographic and related marine ecological and meteorological processes, along with an improvement in associated data management/access, capacity building and operational applications, for the southern hemisphere oceanic regions centred on Australia, as aligned with the IOCs mission relevant to marine environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, ecologically sustainable development and natural hazards and climate adaptation/mitigation, through support for regional implementation of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and through outreach on oceanography. Item 3 Project The purpose of the financial contributions from the three Parties is for the PRPO to carry out the Research Programme of the Project: Facilitation and coordination of oceanic research and observations to improve the scientific underpinning for regional, shelf and coastal scale marine conservation, management and sustainable economic development. Item 4 Project Plan UNESCO, through the PRPO, shall submit a Project Plan for the Parties written approval (or otherwise) within 3 months after the Execution Date for the first year and then no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the Australian financial year (30 June) for second, third, forth and fifth years of the agreement. The Project Plan shall be in the format agreed by the Parties and shall include: Revised objectives, each with strategies listed for the following year that should relate to the Research Programme; Revised key performance indicators for the following year, that should relate to the Research Programme and should incorporate measures of increased participation of WA researchers and industry; Revised milestones/targets for those key performance indicators; Details of plans and policy for Intellectual Property (IP) and data sharing, A financial plan, describing in detail planned expenditure over the next financial year of the Project; and The updated Application Evaluation Framework Report which shall be in the format provided by the Department from time to time and which must be properly completed by the Recipient. Once approved by the Parties, the Project Plan must be adhered to by the PRPO for the year(s) to which it relates, unless written consent to change the Project Plan is granted by the Parties. Programme and Budget 2014 and 2015 The PRPO receives cash and in-kind support from its three sponsoring parties: IOC of UNESCO, the Australian Government (through the Bureau of Meteorology) and the Western Australian Government. The Office successfully renewed its cash funding by the Western Australian Government for the period 20142018 through a successful application under the Western Australian Governments Innovation Co-investment Program. The overall value of this support has been reduced to $200K per annum for the 5-year renewal period. The Bureau of Meteorology has also confirmed that it will maintain its cash and in-kind contributions to the Office over the renewal period. APPENDIX Note: The figures in this appendix are provided by the Bureau of Meteorology as the manager of those funds. Programme and Budget 2014 and 2015 The following table outlines the proposed programme and associated budget for the PRPO for the calendar years 2014 and 2015 under two IOC funding scenarios: full IOC funding support to the PRPO ($80K per annum); or partial IOC funding support to the PRPO ($10K per annum). IOC Full funding supportIOC Partial funding supportIncome$ Amount (AUD)$ Amount (AUD)Western Australian Government ICP funds560,000560,000BoM funds for PRPO Programme Manager salary160,000160,000BoM Operational funds60,00060,000IOC funds160,00020,000PRPO operational funds carried over from 2013185,000185,000TOTAL1,125,000985,000Expenditure$ Amount (AUD)$ Amount (AUD)SalariesPRPO Officer-in-charge salary480,000480,000PRPO Programme Manager salary160,000160,000TOTAL640,000640,000Remaining operational funds485,000345,000Operational ProgramsRelated TORsIOGOOS and alliances (IOP, SIBER, IRF)i, iii, iv120,000100,000IIOE-2 ii, iv50,00030,000PIGOOS and SEREAD in SW Pacifici, iii, iv60,00040,000SEREAD special project - SEREAD for IOGOOS iii30,00010,000WAGOOSi, iii, iv40,00025,000GRA Council iii, iv10,0005,000Engagement in and/or strategic sponsorship local, national and international ocean observation and marine science forums (inc. IMOS, OPSAG, IPORG)ii, iii, iv30,00025,000Engagement with IOC Secretariat, Executive Secretary & IOC Program leaders ii, iv40,00030,000Strategic development extra-budgetary co-sponsorship opportunitiesv30,00025,000Implementation PRPO Strategic Communications & Capacity Building Plans (i.e. DBCP WIO workshops)ii, iii, vi75,00055,000TOTAL485,000345,000TOTAL SALARIES & OPERATIONS1,125,000985,000BALANCE00Programme and Budget 201618 The following table outlines the proposed programme and associated budget for the PRPO for the calendar years 2016, 2017 and 2018 under two IOC funding scenarios: full IOC funding support to the PRPO ($80K per annum); or partial IOC funding support to the PRPO ($10K per annum). IOC Full funding supportIOC Partial funding supportIncome$ Amount (AUD)$ Amount (AUD)Western Australian Government ICP funds400,000400,000BoM funds for PRPO Programme Manager salary240,000240,000BoM Operational funds90,00090,000IOC funds240,00030,000PRPO operational funds carried over from 2014-201500TOTAL970,000760,000Expenditure$ Amount (AUD)$ Amount (AUD)SalariesPRPO Officer-in-charge salary720,000720,000PRPO Programme Manager salary240,000240,000TOTAL960,000960,000Remaining operational funds10,000-200,000Operational ProgramsRelated TORsIOGOOS and alliances (IOP, SIBER, IRF)i, iii, iv00IIOE-2 ii, iv00PIGOOS and SEREAD in SW Pacifici, iii, iv00SEREAD special project - SEREAD for IOGOOS iii00WAGOOSi, iii, iv00GRA Council iii, iv00Engagement in and/or strategic sponsorship local, national and international ocean observation and marine science forums (inc. IMOS, OPSAG, IPORG)ii, iii, iv10,0000Engagement with IOC Secretariat, Executive Secretary & IOC Program leaders ii, iv00Strategic development extra-budgetary co-sponsorship opportunitiesv00Implementation PRPO Strategic Communications & Capacity Building Plans (i.e. DBCP WIO workshops)ii, iii, vi00TOTAL10,0000TOTAL SALARIES & OPERATIONS970,000960,000BALANCE0-200,000  Innovation Co-investment Programme of the Western Australian Government. Funds administered through the PRPO Financial Assistance Agreement (FAA)  International Indian Ocean Expedition - 2  Scientific Educational Resources and Experience Associated with the Deployment of Argo Profiling Floats in the South Pacific Ocean  Australias Integrated Marine Observing System  Oceans Policy Scientific Advisory Group  Indo-Pacific Oceanography Reference Group     ICG/CARIBE-EWSII/WD__ Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex __ Page PAGE 3 Restricted Distribution IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 8 Add. Paris, 7 June 2013 English only INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-seventh Session of the Assembly UNESCO, Paris, 26 June5 July 2013 Item 5.1.3 of the Revised Provisional Agenda ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PERTH REGIONAL PROGRAMME OFFICE IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 8 Add. Page PAGE 6 IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 8Add. Page PAGE 5 IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 8 Add.  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