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The Assistant Executive Secretary reminded the Assembly that new working arrangements were initiated during the 45th Executive Council under the pressure of severe constraints and partly extended to the present session of the Assembly. The Executive Council regrettably did not have time during its 45th session to formally express opinion on those arrangements except through an evaluation questionnaire. Recognizing this is a stimulating learning process for the secretariat, the Assistant Executive Secretary welcomed opinion from the floor and reminded that the responses to the evaluation questionnaire are welcome stimulators for improvement. The Assembly sought further clarification on what options were available for optimizing session working arrangements, as reflected in the adopted decision. The representatives of four Member States took the floor. No Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII,Dec.7 on Working arrangements and summary report. The Assembly, Welcoming both the formal strengthening of decisions as the core output of IOC governing body sessions with resolutions and the scope and definition of resolutions adopted by decision IOC-XXVII, Dec.6.4, Requests the Executive Secretary to identify areas of improvements for governing body sessions and report on the results of the evaluation questionnaire in order to pursue the reflection on this issue. Adopts the Draft Summary Report for the present session; Requests the Executive Secretary to circulate the Summary Report to Member States within one month after the closure of the session.     IOC-XXVII/3 prov. Pt.5 page 2 PAGE  PAGE 2 ABCD]^_uw~ ' < ? 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