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Presence at governing bodies and on-going processes.Strong Effort, led by Steering CommitteeIOC Member State DelegationsImprove programme priority and budget within IOC. Maintain active GOOS contact within Member State.GOOS Products can benefit national programmes. 5bCircular Letters Governing Body DocumentsNGOs: POGO, SCOR, SCAR, CEOS, PICES, ICES Share coordination activities with GOOS, including planning stages where activities overlap. Inform NGOs of the GOOS Workplan. GOOS can benefit from your engagement, and NGOs can benefit from GOOS activities. 6, 10Representation on GOOS SC, and vice versa. Newsletters and liking/sharing. Medium Effort, led by secretariatJCOMM, IODE Recognition that they are a part of GOOS, and that their workplan contributes to GOOS.GOOS communicates and justifies their workplans to the IOC member states. 7aRepresentation on SC and vice versa.Other UN agencies, IMO, FAO, IHO, UN-Oceans, UNGA, WTO, World Bank, UNFCCC, CBD,Recognition that GOOS provides useful Ocean information and representation. Guidance on their needs.Ocean observations have connection to UN agencys work. 1, 3GEO and its link to ministry of environmentRecognize that GOOS can aid GEO and needs GEO help to connect to ministries.GOOS will add value and help avoid duplication of effort. GOOS can serve the need of Ocean Observation coordination for GEOSS. 4GEO Task Sheets and Work plansFunders of ObservationsDeveloped Marine Programmes: National Funding AgenciesIncrease and sustain funding for national observation systems. Recognize value of delivery of national data into GOOS. Increase funding & resources for international coordination. Provide funding of national experts to participate in GOOS.GOOS adds value to National systems through international cooperation. Investments are substantially leveraged by involvement with all other GOOS contributors. Trust in value of national systems through GOOS certification / endorsement of national systems. GOOS can provide capacity development and aid design of observation systems. 4, 4, 5a, 8Identify contact list.Emerging Marine Programmes National Funding Agencies, Brazil, India, China, South Korea, South AfricaAs above plus: Take the lead for regional coordination. As above plus: GOOS participation is an avenue to build capacity and project leadership. UN multilateral cooperation is valuable. 4,4,5a,8 plus 9, 2States with little or no Marine Programme, but with interested dedicated individual researchers and institutions Develop locally useful services from GOOS.GOOS global observations are relevant to your region. Can help champion projects with outside funders. GOOS can deliver CD 1, 7b, 9UN and World Bank development agenciesRecognize value of delivery into GOOS. Provide funding & resources for international coordination.Connecting to GOOS system will provide reliable value for the money. 4Private Sector WOC coordinationValue GOOS in the global communityGOOS is everywhere. GOOS makes your life better and safer (same as Public) 1Industrial ocean energy, oil and gasMake their observations available to GOOS and public. Be advocates for Public funding sources of utility of GOOS to public good. Recognize and build reliance on GOOS as public infrastructure.Demonstrate that use and participation in the GOOS System will be fair and useful. Connecting to broad system adds value to your observations. Improves your environmental credentials. Leverages investment with all other GOOS contributors. 1, 4, 7a, 4 High tech arguments.EUEngagement of European coordination mechanisms with GOOS. Provide funding & resources for international coordination.Cooperation with GOOS helps EU goals for coordination. Leverage investment with all other GOOS contributors. 2, 4Coordinators or Implementors of Observation SystemsGlobal Sister Observing Systems, GCOS, GTOS, WIGOS, GFCS observations componentCoordinate where there are overlaps. Promote importance of oceans.GOOS is the essential ocean component of their systems 1Representation at meetings, via documents and presentations. Joint outreach activities. Use their contact lists. Use their communication methods.GOOS affiliated Programmes/Projects (Argo, GO-SHIP, IOCCP)Recognize that GOOS is relevant to their projects. Need them to feed into design and assessment. Maintain their implementation programmes.GOOS provides a connection between you and users and policy makers That GOOS is relevant to their projects. You are a part of GOOS GOOS maximizes value by integration across projects/systems. Being a GOOS project will help them maintain their funding. 3, 1, 6, 4, 7bGOOS/JCOMM owned Programmes/Projects (GLOSS, SOT, DBCP)Recognize that GOOS is relevant to their projects. Need them to feed into design and assessment. Maintain their implementation programmes.GOOS provides a connection between you and users and policy makers. That GOOS is relevant to their projects. You are a part of GOOS. GOOS maximizes value by integration across projects/systems. Being a GOOS project will help them maintain their funding. The guidance from GOOS/ JCOMM/sponsors is 3, 1, 6, 4, 7b, 3Major established systems: EuroGOOS, IOOS, IMOS, (Japan?)Make connection to global GOOS Attribute to GOOS some credit for their success and products. Investment in global coordination.You are leaders in the global system GOOS You can play role in building GOOS capacity in other regions Coordination of your activity through GOOS is important for you to be able to easily leverage other investment in ocean observations common standards, interoperability, best practices. We can help develop regional observations in areas surrounding your waters, providing a multilateral framework for cooperation 6, 9, 4, 9GRAs, Regional systemsHelp in reaching global GOOS goals Development of regional products of local value Information about regional activities connection into regional communities Promotion of GOOS principles / Concepts / goals Development of regional capacityYou can use GOOS global EOV requirements to help define your local requirements based on your priorities. GOOS can help your national / regional implementation through sharing of experience, best practice, knowledge. GOOS needs GRA cooperation, because GOOS recognizes that all observations are funded/done by individual nations. GRAs can leverage a small investment with GOOS data/ products collectively provided by other nations. 8, ? 6, 4Research Projects with potential GOOS legaciesRecommend observation system requirements for GOOS. Plan and work toward sustainable products.GOOS can help assure sustainable outcome for their projects. Provide guidance on design of observation system. 7b, 8Users of Observations, Producers of productsJCOMM product producers, Met services, GODAE OceanView.Use GOOS Observations Advise GOOS on Observation System RequirementsGOOS observation systems provide value, quality and reliability of data. GOOS requirements will be used by the global community of observers assuring future interoperability for product production. 5a, 8International research coordination, WCRP, Future Earth/ IGBP, Advise GOOS on Observation System RequirementsSame as above 5a, 8ResearchersUse GOOS Observations in research work. Advise GOOS on Observation System Requirements GOOS needs the support of researchers to demonstrate its value.GOOS can provide quality products for research. GOOS products are assessed for quality and are fit for purpose. 5b, 5bPresence at Major Science ConferencesHighest PriorityUsers of ProductsPublicAppreciate that GOOS observations underpin societially relevant products. Products could be improved with a better observation system. Advocacy for GOOS.GOOS is everywhere. GOOS makes your life better and safer. 1, 1Press release about the emergency du jour, via UNESCO BPI.GOOS Internal CommunicationsSC and PanelsActivity on ToRs. Mesh GOOS needs with interests of SC and Panel day jobs. Entrain and advertise GOOS in their own activities.We appreciate your volunteer work. Information on GOOS development. Information on GOOS structure, other Panels activities particularly on overlaps. Communicate on broader requirements from other communications. 10, 10, 3Reports, Workplans, Webinars, SC Meetings. Newsletter Email Bulletins Web Site PPCSecretariatCoordinate communication to PanelsStaff meetings, mission reports Actual face 2 face meetings.Actually it is our job.SC Annex 2. Key common messages The summary table below lists the messages and generalized target audiences of each. Complete Message description follow. MESSAGETARGET AUDIENCES GOOS Message Groups1GOOS observation systems are an indispensable part of global environmental monitoringFunders, Implementers and Builders of Observation Systems2GOOS provides a platform for national contributions to come together to deliver sustained observations of the global ocean.Seekers of international or multi-lateral coordination3GOOS is driven by societal requirements for sustained ocean observations, expressed at the global, regional and national levels. Funders, Implementers and Builders of Observation Systems4GOOS globally leverages investment in observation systems for a collective benefit.Funders, Implementers and Builders of Observation Systems5GOOS procedures assure and enhance value, quality and reliability in data and products. Funders, Implementers and Builders of Observation Systems6GOOS is focused around Essential Ocean Variables, underpinned by science and systems based design, delivering observations that are fit for purpose. Funders, Implementers and Builders of Observation Systems7GOOS is a collaborative programme that connects together people working in all aspects of ocean observationsSeekers of international or multi-lateral coordination8GOOS connects to policy makers and users on requirements at global, regional, and national levels.Groups executing UN mandates and conventions9GOOS is designed through international consensus, and implemented nationally. Seekers of international or multi-lateral coordination10GOOS recognizes that to lift the capacity of developing states requires assistance in creating institutional arrangementsCountries seeking help with Capacity Development11GOOS Community updates and internal communicationsGOOS Coordinators and Administration Message 1: GOOS observation systems are an indispensable part of global environmental monitoring, designed and built to provide societally useful tools, products and applications for understanding and managing oceans and coasts. GOOS is a pervasive system, already present in most marine areas, providing the products expected from an ocean observation system. GOOS products are serving societal needs by providing for a wide range of applications of importance to our wellbeing and that of the planet. GOOS can provide marine products, its system and methodology to other programmes to complement or help build out more complete environmental observing systems. GOOS assets and methodologies provide the structure for ocean observing systems. GOOS measurement systems are embedded in the fabric of ocean prediction and forecast tools, including well known programmes for assessing and forecasting climate change and aiding with marine hazard warnings, such as Tsunami warning systems. GOOS products are being used to provide tangible benefits concerning: Climate variability and change; Environmental stewardship and protection; Food security; and Marine governance, industry and decision making. Adapting to and mitigating climate variability and change: The Ocean drives our climate; 93% of excess heat and 33% of excess carbon in the system has been absorbed by the ocean; and ocean climate variability influences seasonal climate, impacting agriculture, wild fire risk and water availability. Sustained Observations are needed to track changes and variability in climate and informing climate prediction models on timescales from seasonal to decades. Preparing for and mitigating the impact of ocean-related hazards and emergency response: Coastal populations are 3.5 billion and forecast to reach 6 billion by 2025 (UN Atlas of the Oceans; Kennish 2002). These coastal populations face potential hazards from tsunamis, storm surges, extreme waves, coastal erosion, and ocean-borne pollution from ongoing and accidental releases (i.e. oil, nuclear incidents). Ocean monitoring and forecast systems provide the information to civil authorities and individuals in preparing for and mitigating the impact of these ocean-related hazards. Environmental stewardship and protection: The ocean harbours a large proportion of the worlds biodiversity, areas of ecological significance and iconic species. Observations are needed for monitoring of ecosystem health, iconic ecosystems and the distribution and abundance of species. Food security: The Ocean supports fisheries that a large proportion of the worlds population relies on for food. Management of fisheries needs to be underpinned by accurate information on commercial species, and changes in the ecosystem/environment. Supporting the sustainable development of the ocean economy: We have a strong connection with the ocean: The majority of large cities, industry and transport infrastructure, and tourism/leisure attractions are along our coastlines. Ocean observations are essential to inform responsible decision making and planning by governments, industry and communities. Audiences interested in this message are planning their role in environmental observing systems and need to know that GOOS is relevant to their plans. They are seeking assurance that GOOS is an indispensable part of their global observing system plans. This message can be delivered by demonstration of the extent of GOOS in international affairs and the impact of GOOS products on societal needs. What GOOS Needs of Audience:Communication of this message is intended to convince the audience that they should embrace GOOS observation systems and use them within their programmes. They will do this because the GOOS systems are demonstrated to be important to societal needs and that they are already there providing vital products. Key demonstration points: GOOSs role in international environmental observing programmes. GOOS systems are delivering products such as: [Examples to be developed and chosen to match audience] Communication Modes: Information should help this group plan development of observation systems. These are also general concepts which can delivered as static content on web pages. GOOS products, such as white papers, and reports. Message 2: The global ocean is too big for any one nation to observe. International collaboration is essential and GOOS provides a platform for national contributions to come together to deliver sustained observations of the global ocean. The sum is greater than its parts: GOOS observations are made in the context of the broader observing system and small contribution to GOOS leverages data and products from all nations. Data use and re-use: GOOS advocates and encourages data availability which maximizes efficiency and avoids duplication. Sharing resources: GOOS is a platform for efficient/effective sharing of equipment, experience, best practice, knowledge. GOOS connections within the UN system help progress ocean observing issues at an intergovernmental and ministerial level. Audiences interested in this message include groups building multi-lateral agreements supporting observation systems, such as, EU funders of observing systems and Emerging Economy countries seeking to establish regional observation systems. The emphasis to these groups is that GOOS cooperation is a demonstrable value to multi-lateral agreements. That coordinating or building global and regional networks would benefit from the synergies provided by the GOOS collaborations already in place. What GOOS Needs of Audience: The groups should be convinced that GOOS can facilitate multi-lateral cooperation and will seek GOOS out to aid the organization of regional partnerships. Key demonstration points: GOOS routinely convenes regional and international collaborations. Shared resources have produced observation systems which could not exist without GOOS mediated collaboration. Message 3: GOOS is driven by societal requirements for sustained ocean observations, expressed at the global, regional and national levels. Observing the Essential Ocean Variables and taking the actions expressed in GOOS Implementation Plan(s) will help advance societal goals. Audiences interested in this message: Funders, Implementors and Designers are seeking guidance for building out observing systems which will infact satisfy relevant societal needs and will in the end provide value. The GOOS method delivers, through the system approach of FOO, reassurance that societal requirements have been properly identified and that the observing networks will provide fit for purpose data. What GOOS Needs of Audience: Acknowledgement that the GOOS process is helping with their design decisions, and justifying at high level the value of the investments in the OOS. Key demonstration points: Examples of systems which have followed the FOO systems analysis approach and been successful. Demonstrate how FOO helps design a system. Message 4 GOOS enables parties to leverage investment from others in areas such as technology development, skills and capability, data standards for interoperability, as well as the observations themselves for a collective benefit. By working though GOOS mechanisms, we can avoid duplication of observations, ensure key gaps are filled in the observing system, and improve efficiency in sustaining observations. GOOS provides a platform for sharing knowledge, best practice and experience in the design and implementation of observing systems. GOOS enables the sharing of data, products and information through setting data standards, best practice and interoperability Truly collaborative international observing networks with free, open, unrestricted data access and common data standards have revolutionized our understanding of the oceans. i.e. the International Argo Array, Tropical Mooring Arrays. Audiences interested in this message: More audiences required this message than any other. Top level sponsors or ultimate user groups do not dwell on this as it is an infrastructure process assuring quality affordable systems. But funders and implementers recognize the role of leverage in increasing value, sustainability and quality of their systems and products. What GOOS Needs of Audience: GOOS requires that funders and implementers recognize that leverage and interoperability are values that GOOS can provide and therefore they should seek GOOS as a constructive partner in their endeavors. Key demonstration points: The most recognizable systems, Argo Array, Tropical Moorings etc. are successes precisely because there are constructed on interoperability standards. GOOS, JCOMM and IODE are the source of standards and best practices. Cite meetings and publications which advance interoperability standards. Cite GOOS FOO process for gap analysis. Message 5 GOOS procedures assure and enhance value, quality and reliability in data and products. FOO provides a systems analysis approach to observation system design that assures quality, fit for purpose observations that drive quality societally relevant products. Observing systems, data sets and resulting products are evaluated for fitness for purpose, enabling informed decision making in the design and implementation of observing systems and in the delivery and application of data and products. Refer to FOO document for text on these points. This message is basically about the value and result of following FOO methods. Audiences interested in this message: Funders and Sponsors are seeking reassurances that their investments will produce quality results which will actually advance national priorities. Critical users of data are looking for quality, trusted data sets that will advance their work. What GOOS Needs of Audience: Funders and system designers should implicitly know that GOOS cooperative systems are designed and sustained correctly to provide best quality results. Similarly Scientists and Users of Products should associate GOOS systems with quality. Key demonstration points: Examples of systems which have followed the FOO systems analysis approach and been successful. Demonstrate how FOO helps design a system. Message 6 GOOS is focused around Essential Ocean Variables, underpinned by science and systems based design, delivering observations and that are fit for purpose. Scientific design and assessment: GOOS will coordinate systems based design and assessment; most effective combination of platforms to deliver requirements (one observing system, many uses). Observing platform/network Readiness, guided by EOV requirements will inform priorities for implementation. Delivery of data and products: GOOS delivers Data and products freely of known quality, reliability, delivered in a consistent way to enable systems based science and services. Fitness for purpose: GOOS provides data and products tailored for applications, and guidance on the suitability of data and products for the range of applications. Global design, regional relevance: EOV requirements will provide a framework for developing regional requirements based on local priorities. Audiences interested in this message: Implementers who are looking for design advice. Funders, observation planners, users and implementers looking for assurance that the projects will be reliably fit for purpose and underpinned by observation systems based on GOOS quality procedures. What GOOS Needs of Audience: That system designers look to GOOS as a design advice authority. That GOOS Requirements are used by nations seeking credibility. Key demonstration points: Demonstrate GOOS design principles and use of EOV concept. Existence of GOOS Panels and Evaluation Reports on EOVs. Message 7 GOOS is a collaborative programme that connects together people working in all aspects of ocean observations and their uses at all levels. Delivering an integrated system: GOOS connects Physics, chemistry and biology, open- ocean to coastal requirements, and observation activities from National, Regional to Global. Working end to end: GOOS connects ocean observers, data managers, product producers and data/information users Ensuring Relevance: GOOS connects internationally-coordinated science and observations to policy, and funding programmes to internationally-agreed observing system priorities Opportunities for Engagement: GOOS seeks engagement from all those working in and with ocean observations at all levels to help build a single observing system for a wide range of applications. Audiences interested in this message: Are groups building coalitions for advancement of observing systems. They are both sponsors and implementers who need international cooperation to succeed in their ambitions. What GOOS Needs of Audience: GOOS wishes that these groups acknowledge the value GOOS provides their programmes of forming partnerships and collaborations within GOOSs existing networks. GOOS wishes to contribute to new observation initiatives and does not want to be perceived as competing with them. The groups will involve GOOS in new initiatives concerning Ocean Observation Systems. Ultimately GOOS relies on the cooperation with national (and regional ie GRA) observation and product providers, and needs these groups to acknowledge their role within GOOS. Key demonstration points: The GOOS structure, and FOO, are, by design, collaborative and involve many programmes which operate autonomously, but gain value by being part of the GOOS. The GOOS administrative model is very hands off, but helps through coordination at all levels of systems development, end-to-end. GOOS connects to policy makers through its position in the UN, and its four sponsors. Message 8: GOOS connects to policy makers and users on requirements at global, regional, and national levels. Advancing Global Goals: GOOS sits within the United Nations, sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the (non-UN) International Council for Science (ICSU). This provides an intergovernmental mandate to advance the development of the Observing System, and a platform for multilateral cooperation. Connecting to international drivers and requirements: Through the UN, GOOS delivers to and draws on international conventions and agreements that call for ocean observations, such as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biodiversity, and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea Advancing Regional Goals: Regional Alliances and networks provide an intergovernmental platform to advance national and regional interests in ocean observing and strengthen their role in the global observing system. Advancing national goals: GOOS connects to national activities, funding agencies, and user communities through advocacy of international goals that resonate at a national level. Audiences interested in this message: Agencies which have a UN mandate to operate at broad scales for environmental policy. It also includes lower level agencies which may have a need to make contact with high level policy makers and adhere to convention mandates. What GOOS Needs of Audience: GOOS desires recognition as the UN agency which coordinates ocean observation policy at the highest levels. GOOS is relevant to ocean matters for these agencies. Key demonstration points: (abcd as above) GOOS connects to policy makers through its position in the UN, and its four sponsors. GOOS provides appropriate response to convention obligations. (case by case as appropriate to audience) GOOS structure places it in the IOC Assembly representing the needs of all IOC Member States. Point to involvement in UN level issues: Rio+20, GCOS, UNFCCC, UNCLOS Message 9 GOOS is designed through international consensus, and implemented nationally. GOOS principles promote the sharing and leveraging of all sustained ocean observations, and the development of local capacity to benefit from these observations. Optimizing contributions: GOOS aims to provide a framework within which national priorities for Ocean Observing can be pursued and international contributions can be leveraged. Strengthening the case: By connecting to GOOS, national and international programmes will have increased utility, and a strengthened case for ongoing funding, with opportunities to build multilateral collaborations in areas of mutual interest Sharing resources: GOOS provides a framework for focusing capability and capacity building through priority areas which have been agreed by the international community; delivering value for money for all concerned, donors and recipients. Audiences interested in this message: Audiences look to GOOS to provide international justification for their projects. They need further outside justification for their programmes in order to please sponsors, and GOOS might be able to deliver. Coordinators of specialized projects which require large scale justification for their international scale ambitions to create sustainable operational observation systems (GLOSS, GO-SHIP etc.). What GOOS Needs of Audience: GOOS will be recognized and credited internationally by how well GOOS can aid and facilitate the development of observation systems. The projects must come to GOOS with the expectation that GOOS will aid in their achieving relevance and sustainability. In turn these groups provide the expertise and drive behind GOOS panels and programmes. Key demonstration points: How national priorities are served by involvement in international activities. International funding organizations that are supporting GOOS programmes. Ability to mobilize high level funding, such as through the World Bank, EC. Message 10 Capacity Development / regional cooperation A primary goal of GOOS is to ensure that smaller and less-developed countries can gain benefit from participation. GOOS recognizes that to lift the capacity of developing states requires assistance in creating institutional arrangements, in acquiring appropriate equipment and physical infrastructure, in training, in raising awareness of decision makers and the public and in promoting technology transfer. Audiences interested in this message: The many stakeholders in Capacity Development include: Sponsors of Capacity Development programmes; Nations promoting regional observation capabilities; Developing Countries seeking to increase their own capacity to utilize GOOS products and participate in GOOS objectives. This may also include groups which are mandated to include CD in their projects, but would benefit by letting GOOS coordinate the obligation. What GOOS Needs of Audience: As GOOS is mandated to participate in Capacity Development, cooperation with CD programmes is essential. Therefore GOOS needs quality CD programmes to communicate and cooperate with GOOS. Key demonstration points: List of CD events under GOOS, JCOMM or IOC banner. Effectiveness of CD in the growth of Ocean Observation Systems in developing countries. Demonstrate value of Ocean Observations to developing countries to encourage participation in CD activities. Message 11 GOOS Community updates and internal communications Without clear channels of communication GOOS will not succeed in its primary mission of coordination of the many dozens of activities which comprise GOOS. The Representatives of GOOS require clear, unambiguous statements which all can agree to. Detailed information about GOOS must be delivered to the steering committees and executive boards of GOOS Audiences interested in this message: People who actively participate in GOOS activities: the Steering Committee; the Secretariats; members/experts of GOOS Panels, JCOMM Groups, Teams, and Panels of experts; and representatives of nations participating in the Commission itself. What GOOS Needs of Audience: The effectiveness of these groups determines the effectiveness of GOOS. The image of GOOS will be projected by these groups, so there must be clear agreement between them as to what that image is. Key demonstration points: Information sources: Meeting documents, agendas and timely news of meeting activities and results. Calendar of activities, including key meetings and attendance by Steering Committee and Secretariat members.     GOOS Communications Plan Annexes  DATE \@ "M/d/yyyy" 7/23/2014 pg.  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