Job Type
Operational Support (technical)
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
responsible of HAB monitoring Laboratory in agadir's INRH center until 2004
technical responsable of phytoplankton at the INRH network
responsible of HAB monitoring Laboratory in oualidia's INRH center from 1998 to 2003
Skills scanning electronic microscopy identification techniques of harmful dinoflagellates,
enumeration and compting of phytoplankton by inversed microscopy,
tabulation identification of some harmful species of dinoflagellates by epifluorescene microscopy, specially benthic species like ostreopsis ;
HPLC techniques quantification and identification of pigments;
measurements of nutrients elements by spectrophotometry....
i'am interested by :
the identification, molecular test and ultrastructure of new HAB species like , Ostreopsis, karenia, others benthic emergents dinoflagellates like coolia and Gambierdiscus
the culture of alexandrium and gymnodinium ....and others toxic species like ostreopsis siamensis for the study of their toxicity specific profil, ecology , growth in the morroccan atlantic coasts ( upwelling areas / confined areas)
The accidification of the north atlantic ocean in correlation with HAB events and climatic changs