Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
Marine Biotechnology
Marine Products
For more than fifteen years, my research has focused on questions concerning venomous marine organisms, in particular scyphozoans, anthozoans and cubozoans responsible of illness development in Humans.
Sea regions of study
Caribbean Sea
North Pacific Ocean
Research on Cnidarians, using Complementary DNA (cDNA) libraries construction and phage surface display libraries Phylogeny programs such as ClustalX, Molphy
Protein inmunoscreening Handling of radio isotopes
Analysis of DNA/Protein sequences using programs such as Macvector, Sequencher, Laser Gene and web based such as NCBI provided tools, SMART etc…. Chromatography techniques (affinity, size and immunological) in FPLC
Generation of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) collections and its in silico manipulation, Bioassays (In crabs, domestic cockroaches and fruit fly)
PCR techniques such as reverse transcription PCR, touchdown, nested PCR, hot start PCR and Overlap-extension PCR Haemolytic and coagulation assays
DNA/RNA and protein hybridizations and DNA/RNA and protein electrophoresis Advance diver certification (PADI)
Invertebrate Histology Marine operator and Marine radio licence
Whole mount in situ mRNA hybridisation (gene expression) in Cubozoas,Hydrozoans, Anthozoas and in D. melanogaster (all developmental stages). Developed writing, speaking and social skills.