GLOSS Group of Experts

Terms of Reference for the GLOSS Group of Experts (IOC Res. EC-XXXIII.9, Annex I):

(i) Advise JCOMM on the implementation of the GLOSS System, at global and regional levels;

(ii) Work closely with the GSC and its subsidiary bodies on the integration of GLOSS into GOOS;

(iii) Update the GLOSS Implementation Plan regularly;

(iv) Ensure proper liaison with international research programmes and relevant international organizations;

(v) Provide advice on the development of TEMA components of GLOSS, regarding training of specialists, provision of instruments, their installation and maintenance, data evaluation and interpretation;

(vi) Report periodically to the IOC Governing Bodies and to JCOMM.

Terms of Reference for the Scientific Sub-Group of GLOSS (IOC Res. EC-XXXIII.9, Annex II):

(i) Provide the GLOSS Group of Experts and other interested relevant bodies, via the Chairperson of the GGE, with general scientific advice on matters pertaining to the implementation of the monitoring of global and regional sea level change within the GLOSS programme, particularly with regard to climate change aspects;

(ii) Undertake specific studies pertaining to the effective monitoring of global sea level changes on matters requested by the Chairperson of the GGE;

(iii) Provide assistance as requested to the Chairperson of the GGE in the construction of Science and Implementation Plans for GLOSS;

(iv) Provide, through its scientific membership, links to other relevant bodies concerned with sea level change including OOPC, CLIVAR/UOP, IAPSO/CMSLT and C-GOOS and report implications to the GGE.

Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName
Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName