ICG/IOTWS Steering Group Meeting

19 - 20 August 2015,

WA Bureau of Meteorology
Level 3, 1 Ord Street

West Perth 6005


1 Welcome by Chair
1.1 Introductions
1.2 Approval of Agenda
2 Secretariat Report
2.1 Review of action items from the previous meetings
3 WG Reports
3.1 WG 1 - Tsunami Risk, Community Awareness and Preparedness
3.2 WG 2 - Tsunami Detection, Warning and Dissemination
3.3 Sub-Regional Working Group for North West Indian Ocean
4 TSPs
4.1 Reports from TSPs
4.2 TSP services as per new Service Definition Document (Implementation of New AoS, ESZ, Pubilc Bulletins, Latest Versions of CFZ/CFP)
4.3 Results of recent COMMs test
5 Performance Indicators
6 UNESCAP Projects
6.1 Communicating the effects of the 1945 Makran tsunami to increase awareness and preparedness of tsunami hazards in the Makran region
6.2 Enhancing Tsunami Risk Assessment and Management, Strengthening Policy Support and Developing Guidelines for Tsunami Exercises in Indian Ocean Countires
6.3 New call for proposals
7 IOWave16 Exercise
7.1 Formation of Task Team
7.2 Exercise date & Planning
8 Planning for IOTWS Workshops, Meetings and Events
8.1 Inaugural meeting of the NW Indian Ocean Working Group
8.2 Post IOWave14/TSP/NTWC/DMO SOP workshop, October 2015
8.3 Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Makran tsunami
8.4 Coastal hazards and risk assessment workshop, 2016
8.5 WG1 and WG2 intersessional meetings
8.6 Other workshops, meetings and events
9 TOWS Working Group and Task Teams
10 Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre (IOTIC)
11 IOTWS Documentation
11.1 IOTWS Status Report (in place of Implementation Plan)
11.2 Medium Term Strategy (2015-2020)
11.3 Users Guide Approval
11.4 IOTWS Information Sheet for Media/Public
12 Other Issues
12.1 Updates to Seismic/Sea-level Database
12.2 Updates to TNC/TWFP/NTWC Contact Database
12.3 Sharing of NTWC/DMO SOPs
12.4 RIMES
13 Programme and Budget
14 Close of Meeting