Meeting of Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations

23 - 24 February 2016,

7 Place de Fontenoy

75007 Paris


1 Opening and Session Organisation
1.1 Registration
1.2 Overview of meeting logistics, introduction of participants, review of agenda
2 Presentation on the Progress of TTTWO
2.1 Review of TTTWO recommendations/actions from previous meetings
2.2 Feedback from ICGs on the status of and future plans for tsunami watch operations in each ICG
3 Presentations from the ICG Representatives
4 Status of Implementation of AoR, AoS and ESZ
5 Procedures, Terminologies, Products and Dissemination
5.1 Key Performance Indicators for all aspects of Tsunami Warning and Mitigation
5.2 Products for maritime community
5.3 Review of draft standards and guidelines for tsunameter performance submitted by the International Tsunameter Partnership of the DBCP
6 SOP Manual for Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response
7 Global Service Definition Document
8 Other Harmonisation Issues Arising from the ICGs
9 Review of Action Items and Recommendations to the TOWS-WG
10 Close of Meeting