IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 8

Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Technical Sub-committee on Ocean Mapping (TSCOM), Sub-committee on Undersea Features Names (SCUFN) and Joint IHO–IOC GEBCO Guiding Committee

Author(s) IOC Secretariat
Summary The Executive Council, at its 41st Session, will be invited to: consider the revised GEBCO Terms of Reference and Rules and Procedure, as well as SCUFN.
Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 26 May 2008
Keywords mapping; subsidiary bodies, Terms of reference
This document is used in the event(s): 41st Session of the IOC Executive Council

Group(s): IOC
Created at 09:16 on 26 May 2008 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 16:18 on 11 Jun 2008 by Patrice Boned